Our Journal
Directly delivered from stag's mouth!
Best way to strengthen your heart, is to use it more often !!
Being a creative studio, we at WordStag often try to find creative ways to express ourselves.
Many weekends are spent pondering philosophically over our day to day lives. And out came a gem on one such Saturday.
The best way to strengthen our heart, is to use it more often !. How true !! The modern lifestyle demands that we keep our body fit, by exercising various muscles in our body. But how conveniently do we forget the same for our internal muscles. Heart, after all, is a muscle organ. Alas, the world has taught us to use our brains more often.
Indian scriptures, holy books, even alternative healing techniques – all teach us to follow and listen to our hearts, as much as our brains, if not more. For answers to all our problems lie buried deep down in our hearts. It is a muscle that has progressively become weaker in our species today. Isn’t it the time we start exercising this muscle more often than not ?